You try to delete a VM client from the Hyper-V Manager, but it fails. It says: “An error occurred while attempting to delete the virtual machine”.
What should you do?
- Open Events Viewer (Custom Views –> Roles –> Hyper-V). You will see a list of errors. Take note of the Virtual Machine ID of the latest error where the event source is Hyper-V-VMMS.
- Open Windows Explorer.
- Navigate to the path %systemroot%\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Hyper-V\Virtual Machines (Note: “ProgramData” is a hidden folder. Use Control Panel -> Folder Options -> View and choose “Show hidden files, folders and drives”.)
- You will see a list of XML files. Look for the filename that is the same as that of the Virtual Machine ID you took note of in step 1. Delete it.
- Close Windows Explorer.
- Open Hyper-V Manager. The VM client should be gone.