
What to do when a VM refuses to be deleted

You try to delete a VM client from the Hyper-V Manager, but it fails. It says: “An error occurred while attempting to delete the virtual machine”.

What should you do?

  1. Open Events Viewer (Custom Views –> Roles –> Hyper-V). You will see a list of errors. Take note of the Virtual Machine ID of the latest error where the event source is Hyper-V-VMMS.
  2. Open Windows Explorer.
  3. Navigate to the path %systemroot%\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Hyper-V\Virtual Machines (Note: “ProgramData” is a hidden folder. Use Control Panel -> Folder Options -> View and choose “Show hidden files, folders and drives”.)
  4. You will see a list of XML files. Look for the filename that is the same as that of the Virtual Machine ID you took note of in step 1. Delete it.
  5. Close Windows Explorer.
  6. Open Hyper-V Manager. The VM client should be gone.